Wednesday’s interests are all about Health, Wellness and Self Improvement. Today we look at Ketosis, whether Coffee will break your intermittent fast, Artificial sweeteners, and Blockchain for healthcare.
Ketosis – advantaged or misunderstood state? (Part I) : In part I of this post I will see to it (assuming you read it) that you’ll know more about ketosis than just about anyone, including your doctor or the majority of “experts” out there writing about this topic. (Peter Attia)
A Day In the Life Of Keto (Mark Sisson)
Silicon Valley Wants to Cash In on Fasting : Several startups are working to commercialize the tech world’s latest health craze (Tom Giles and Selina Wang, Bloomberg)
Does Coffee Break an Intermittent Fast? (Mark Sisson)
Everything you never wanted to know about artificial sweeteners : Your diet soda might just be worse than a regular one (Sara Chodosh, Popular Science)
I Lost an Argument with a Vegan. Here’s what I Learned. (Chris Newman, Medium)
What Could Blockchain Do for Healthcare? : Fragmented, insecure, and proprietary healthcare data could be completely redesigned on a blockchain-based system (Nicky Woolf, Medium)
Warren Buffett’s 5/25 Rule Will Help You Focus On The Things That Really Matter (ConstantRenewal)
When there’s an audience, people’s performance improves : Often people think performing in front of others will make them mess up, but a new study found the opposite: being watched makes people do better. (Johns Hopkins University, Science Daily)
Happiness & the Gorilla (Scott Galloway, GartnerL2)