Tuesday’s interests are all about Business & Technology. Today we revisit boy genius Mark Zuckerberg, open, closed, and privacy, Dropbox, dating apps, and Alabama football.
Why we should stop treating Silicon Valley’s male CEOs like children : They’re grown-ass men (Sean Illing, Vox)
Open, Closed, and Privacy (Stratechery)
Everyone Is Asking the Wrong Questions About Dropbox. Here’s What They Should Be Asking Instead (Sami Inkinen, Inc.)
An Inside Look at Your Favorite Dating Sites: What’s happening behind the scenes at the sites and apps you know and love and hate, along with a couple that may not be on your radar (or phone) (Valeriya Safronova, New York Times)
You’re Addicted to Your Smartphone. This Company Thinks It Can Change That (Haley Sweetland Edwards, TIME)
Agile at Scale (Darrell K. Rigby, Jeff Sutherland, Andy Noble, Harvard Business Review)
The Man Who Perfected the Laugh Track: Charlie Douglass changed the way TV viewers watch comedies (Willa Paskin, Slate)
The Car of the Year That Few Americans Want: Despite winning North American Car of the Year at the Detroit auto show, sales lag for the Honda Accord (Sean McLain, Wall Street Journal)
An Invisible Boundary That Divides The US Has Started to Shift Out of Place. Not good. (Peter Dockrill, Science Alert)
Go Fast and Break Things: The Difference Between Reversible and Irreversible Decisions (Shane Parrish, Farnam Street)
How Nick Saban Keeps Alabama Football Rolling (Brian O’Keefe, Fortune)